Apr 172014 2 Responses

Magnificent Madrid

We’ve spent three marvellous days in Madrid and if you are planning a trip here in the future I would definitely recommend more.  Three days is just scratching the surface of this magnificent city.  There’s so much history, food, Museums, Galleries and (probably shopping, but we stayed away from them).

Ever-so briefly:

THE FOOD –  simply an enormous range of tapas,  beautifully presented

THE CITY – obviously magnificent buildings, stunning plazas, both large and small neighbourhood ones.

FRIENDLY- everyone has been most helpful and polite

QUIET – with virtually no cars in the centre of the old town, it’s very quiet.  Purveyors have till 11am to top up the stores and restaurants and then they too have to be gone from the city.

CLEAN – streets, buildings and in three days we haven’t seen ONE fly

MARKETS – Both old and new markets. The relatively new, incredible San Miguel market is a foodies dream come true – a virtual food gallery.   One thing we noticed in nearly all stores was the pride in store frontage.  Beautifully presented as in the picture above.  This store specialised in canned goods – every type of product that could be taken home and consumed, though from what we could see – Madrilino’s eat out a LOT, and you can’t blame them, the food is great and the wine is cheap.

If you’ve any tips you’d like to share, be sure to post them here.

17th April 2014

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2 Responses to Magnificent Madrid
  1. Morag Isobel Maclean Reply

    Love your emails as you start your holiday. I was fortunate to spend ten wonderfully busy days touring southern Spain three years ago and I am still enjoying the memories. Look forward to your next installment. Meantime enjoy the wonderful food, sangria and the countryside. Regards. Morag.

    • Gillian Thrum Reply

      Hi Morag, after just one week we can see why anyone you speak to is ready to return to Spain. What a stunning country and lovely people.

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