May 102015 0 Responses

Vegetable patch Croatian style

We had our first rainy day today so decided to drive the short distance from where we’re staying in the National Park at Lokve to Krk Island where it was fine.

Over the the causeway by 7am and down to the bottom of the island for an early coffee at 8.  On top of the beautiful little village of St Baska we saw this gorgeous vege patch with an incredible view – straight out to sea, over the islands and back to the coast of Croatia.

Every possible space in the villages is used – mainly for vegetables and at this time of the year many are edged with flowering tulips.  The tulips are so strong over here, and the colourings beautiful.  Everyone who can grows potatoes, if they can grown nothing else, they always have potatoes.

In the countryside the larger patches have 3-4m poles around them. I initially thought these were for beans – but there weren’t any cross supports.  I’ve since seen a little painting in one of our b&bs of sunflowers surrounding a vege patch – so that must be what they’re for.  It’s too early yet for the sunflowers to have germinated, or be planted.  They must look wonderful late summer when in flower.  Drat, we will be well home and in the cold by then.

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May 102015 0 Responses


The contrast between Croatia and Slovenia was quite amazing.  We entered Slovenia via a small highway driving through mountains which opened up into a wide, lush valley – the first of so many.  We both have EU passports and at most borders we are waved through.

Southern, coastal Croatia was so rugged and rocky and even inland in the three National Parks it was still very rocky, though green.  No open spaces.

Slovenia on the other hand has many mountains – huge ones. Many of them with karst formation.   Yet between the mountains are enormous sweeping, unfenced green, lush valleys (with nary an animal to be seen at this time of the year).  It’s green, green, green.  We were to drive over pretty much all of Slovenia except for the far west.  North west of Ljubljana.  Slovenia has the majestic scenery of Queenstown combined with the lush fields of Vietnam/England but on a huge scale.

Our first stop was the gorgeous city of Ljubljana, Slovenia’s capital with a population not dissimilar to Wellington.  Crammed with galleries and museums.  Divided by a beautiful canal with many lovely bridges, many designed by the famous architect Jose Plecnik – Slovenia’s answer to Gaudi.  Gorgeous Venetian style houses everywhere.   Heaps of eating and shopping options – all easy to reach on foot.  The perfect size City for us and so much to see.

Pretty, pretty Ljubljana!

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May 082015 0 Responses

Omphalodes verna

What a treat it was to find this gorgeous little woodland plant sprinkled along the roadside in north-east Croatia.  Drifts of Omphaldoes intermingled with little white Anemones.  Honestly, you couldn’t make a prettier scene in your own garden than what we drove past for miles and miles today.

Omphalodes are available in NZ in spring time.  Not this particular version, but a more clump forming one with exactly the same flower and more of them.  They are really easy to grow in part shade and every year, if you are lucky, you get half a dozen seedlings to germinate around the parent plant.  It’s such a sweetie flowering so early in the spring.

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May 072015 Tagged with 0 Responses

Veratrum album

One of the hardest things to grow from seed – Veratrum – I can’t actually remember how long it took but I think it was around 18 months.  Most of that was spent in the fridge.  I remember I took them out when they were literally begging for it.  Mum cosseted them for another three years before we dared plant them out Read More…

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