May 052015 0 Responses

Primroses in Croatia

Croatia has been a true eye-opener when it comes to woodland plants.  Another of our favourites – the “Primrose” has always been thought of as ‘English’.  It does grow wild in England of course and we did find some poor half shrivelled ones in Andalucia last year – really not the ideal conditions for the fair Primrose – but I hadn’t thought too much about finding them in Croatia and Slovenia. Read More…

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May 052015 0 Responses

Fritillarias in Paklenica National Park

Before we left NZ the Mother had been looking up Fritillarias on her IPad and had found that there were 76,000 of them growing in a park just 10 minutes from where the Nephew has just moved to in Oxford.  He was despatched to capture them on film.  Which he obliging did as the lucky blighter only has to walk 40 mins down the tow path of the canal to get there.

That started us wondering if they were to be found in Croatia….  seemingly Mr Wikipedia told us we were MORE likely to see them in Slovenia… Read More…

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May 052015 Tagged with 0 Responses

Woodland Anemones – Anemone nemerosa

Woodland Anenomes are one of my most favourite shade loving plants so it was a little cery  surprising to find absolutely MASSES and I mean masses and masses of them in Croatia.  My idea that they were probably endangered flew out the door and that A they were endangered and B they only lived in England!  I’d always thought of them as so utterly English. Read More…

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May 012015 0 Responses

Miniature Cyclamen

In NZ Miniature Cyclamen are available during May and June.  Often they are used in container planting during autumn and winter because they flower all winter long and don’t mind the cold as long as they aren’t wet. Read More…

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