Apr 252015 0 Responses

Lokrum Island just off Dubrovnik

Our first chance to get out and find some plants (as that’s what we have come to Croatia to do) was the tiny island of Lokrum which is just 600m – virtually a 10min boat ride -from the Old City.

Although inhabited by Benedictine monks since 1023 it wasn’t until Archduke Maximilian Ferdinand of Habsburg built a mansion built in 1859 that plants came to the fore on Lokrum.   He laid out an amazing garden with an incredible variety of botanical wonders. Read More…

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Apr 252015 Tagged with 0 Responses


The weather has been too good, and there’s been too many pictures to edit to enable me to BLOG.  However a wet afternoon two weeks into our trip enabled me to catch up on some sleep… Consequently it’s now 2am and I’m as bright as a button.  Thankfully IPads emit very little light and are virtually soundless.

We started our Croatian part of the trip in Dubrovnik – what a gorgeous city.  So much is written about the Unesco cities and sights of Croatia so I won’t bore you with more.  Suffice to say it is gorgeous and only a few remnants of the 1991-1995 Homeland war are visible to the untrained eye.

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Mar 242015 0 Responses

Fabulous Figs

My French Sugar’s first crop was hit by a late frost this year – however the second crop is now coming ready and they’re netted with the finest of netting so not even the Waxeyes can manage to squeeze through. Picking a fig just as it’s about to burst is the way to an exploding mouthful of textured honey. Read More…

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Mar 222015 Tagged with 0 Responses

Autumn – the best time to sow and repair your lawn.

Autumn is is definitely here and it’s the best time to sow a new lawn.  Hopefully by now you have already sprayed off the area twice.  Once to knock off the existing weeds and a second spray to catch the next batch of germinating weeds or newly sprouted bits of Couch or the like.  Roundup or the new improved version Zero are ideal for this job. Even better is the new Glysophate 360 from Grosafe.  It’s an  NZ made product and much cheaper than either of the others. Read More…

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