Apr 192014 0 Responses

The road to Toledo

An amazing, diverse day today.  Up and over wide valleys with mountains still topped with snow.  Fresh spring foliage everywhere with just the wide tracts of oak forest still to leaf up.

Our first day off the beaten track enabled us to find little pockets of miniature daffodils flowering amongst the rocks and nestled by the streams were primroses and the very last of the bluebells.  What a thrill that was.

The (scrub) along the roadside wasn’t manuka but Cistus (rock rose) with huge white blooms just emerging.  Underneath swathes of very deep plum purple Spanish lavender, euphorbia and a tiny little white rock rose that was very sweet – blankets of that.

I suppose I should mention the gorgeous villages, the amazing nibbles of food and the friendly people too…   Check out our Facebook page for more pictures.

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