I’ve been rather remiss on the Blog front I’ve got to admit. The vege patch has been completely neglected this winter. As you know, we went to Spain and the last thing I did before leaving was to sow the Broad Bean seeds and I put most of the remainder of the garden into a green crop which the husband kindly dug in a few weeks ago.
The winter has been so miserable and overcast that the poor Broad Beans are only just starting to make pods! They came up whilst we were away and the winter was dry so they remained very short – which has been a revelation in itself! Normally by B.B.’s are over my head.
Today with the road works on Havelock Road the Green Door is eerily quiet, though those that have come around the long route – through the Council’s signs that tell them the road is only open to residents – (how helpful is that?) have been keen to buy so the day hasn’t been a complete dead loss. I took the opportunity to spend most of the day in the neglected patch digging from one end to the other and then planting all my new goodies. I’ve cheated of course. We grew lots of display pots for the NZ Edible Festival and these are now firmly planted in MY garden making it look as if I’ve been diligent for the last month instead of just one day!
It was watching Annabel Langbein on the TV this morning that got me going. We had it on video as had missed it last weekend. Now my patch looks just like hers except I don’t have a team of huskies to pose with. Kasey wouldn’t keep still enough for a picture today – she was too intent on chasing the pukekos.
I got the lawns done (on high) and now it’s all so much more presentable. I’m looking forward to picking the first of the new Broccoli next week and harvesting some Little Gem lettuces. The leeks that were planted in April are now lovely at fat and that’s about it.
Bring on the warmer temperatures and the Spring Veges! I’ll be back to regular Blogging now there’s something to blog about!
The picture above is the Kasey-proof ring fenced Asparagus patch with Garlic border. First 8 stalks picked this afternoon!